تحليل مبيعات متجر قهوة في مدينة نيويورك بإستخدام SQL


Coffee Shop Sales Analysis Project with SQL

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. This project aims to analyze café sales data in New York City, from 2023 to understand patterns and provide valuable information that will be used to support business decision making.

تحليل مبيعات كوفي شوب باستخدام SQL

Coffee Sales Analysis with SQL.

Data Source

Data was collected from Maven Analytics Website. The data contains 65536 records from three branches in the city.

Analysis Tools

SQL Server Database was used to store and query the dataset


 In data analysis, there must be questions that must be answered by performing queries on the data.

  • The sales of each branch

  • Sales by category and type

  • Find out the hours during which most sales take place

  • The best-selling items by type, hour, and category

  • The percentage contribution of each type to total sales

Exploratory Data Analysis

select distinct year(s.transaction_Date)

from dbo.CoffeeSales s

Min, Max and Average number of items per transaction

select max(s.transaction_qty) Max_Qty, min(s.transaction_qty) Min_Qty, avg(s.transaction_qty) Avg_Qty

from dbo.CoffeeSales s

Min, Max and average price

select max(s.unit_price) Max_Price, min(s.unit_price) Min_Price, avg(s.unit_price) Avg_Price

from dbo.CoffeeSales s

Sales by store location

select sto.store_location ,round(sum(s.unit_price),2) Sum_of_Sales

from dbo.CoffeeSales s

left join dbo.stores sto on sto.store_Id = s.store_Id

group by sto.store_location 

order by 2 desc

Sales By Store Location.

Sales amount by items in the transaction

select s.transaction_qty ,round(sum(s.unit_price),2) Sum_of_Sales

from dbo.CoffeeSales s

group by s.transaction_qty 

order by 2 desc

Sales by number of items in the transaction.

Number of the items per transaction quantity

select s.transaction_qty ,count(s.transaction_id) Count_of_Items

from dbo.CoffeeSales s

group by s.transaction_qty 

order by 2 desc

Number of items per transaction quantity.

Top 5 number of items per category

select  c.product_category ,count( s.transaction_id) Count_of_trans

from dbo.CoffeeSales s

left join dbo.Categories c on c.categoryId = s.categoryId

group by  c.product_category

order by 2 desc

offset 0 rows FETCH next 5 ROWS ONLY;

Top 5 number of items per Category.

Number of transactions per hours

select  c.product_category , cast( sum(s.unit_price) as decimal(10,2))  Sum_By_Category

from dbo.CoffeeSales s

left join dbo.Categories c on c.categoryId = s.categoryId

group by  c.product_category

order by 2 desc

offset 0 rows FETCH next 5 ROWS ONLY;

Number of items per category per type 

select v.product_category,v.product_type ,v.Count_of_trans

, rank( ) over ( partition by v.product_category order by Count_of_trans desc) Rnk from (

select  c.product_category, pt.product_type 

,count(s.transaction_id) Count_of_trans

from dbo.CoffeeSales s

left join dbo.Categories c on c.categoryId = s.categoryId

left join dbo.product_type pt on pt.product_type_Id = s.product_typeId

group by  c.product_category, pt.product_type

)v  order by 1

items per Category per product.

Number of items per type per hours

select* from(

select * , rank( ) over ( partition by v.product_category order by Count_of_trans desc) Rnk 

 from (

select  c.product_category, pt.product_type , DATEPART(HOUR,s.transaction_time) hourNo

,count(s.transaction_id) Count_of_trans

from dbo.CoffeeSales s

left join dbo.Categories c on c.categoryId = s.categoryId

left join dbo.product_type pt on pt.product_type_Id = s.product_typeId

group by  c.product_category, pt.product_type, DATEPART(HOUR,s.transaction_time)

)v )vv where vv.Rnk=1


Items per Category per Type per hours.

The percentage of sales per category

select* , cast((ss.sub_sum / ss.total) as decimal(10,2)) Percent_of_Sales

from (

 select  c.product_category

         , sum( s.unit_price) sub_sum

         ,(select sum(s.unit_price) from dbo.CoffeeSales s ) total

from dbo.CoffeeSales s

left join dbo.Categories c on c.categoryId = s.categoryId

group by   c.product_category


Sales percentage per Category.
